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        According to Article 92 of the Land Code of Ukraine, the right of permanent use of a land plot is the right to own and use a state or municipally owned land plot without establishing a term.
Pursuant to part 1 of Article 123 of the Land Code of Ukraine, plots of land in state or municipal ownership on which buildings, constructions and other real estate in state or municipal ownership are situated are transferred only to persons referred to in paragraph "a" of part two of Article 92 of this Code, only under the right of permanent use.
        Also, in accordance with part 2 of Article 42 of the Land Code of Ukraine land plots on which apartment buildings are located as well as their related buildings and constructions and adjoining areas which are in common joint ownership of flat and non-residential premises in the building may be transferred to the co-owners of the apartment building free of charge or for permanent use in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.